Our Products Range

Dermatology & Cosmetology

Dermatology & Cosmetology

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OTC products

OTC products

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General Division

General Division

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Herbal Division

Herbal Division

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about us

Improving healthcare through unconventional thinking!

Biovish was established by a group of committed and experienced professionals who came together with care “Quality”, “Innovation” and “Social Responsibility” as their guiding principles. Their vision was to go beyond the norm and provide the best quality affordable healthcare for all. Management has pledged to share 5% of its profitability on various “Social Responsibility” causes. We research, manufacture, market, and distribute highest quality of pharmaceutical products in India and export to other countries as well. We realize that health has become one of the most important factors, so we keep up search for the innovative products for the health of people.

We ar...

Improving healthcare through unconventional thinking!

Get in touch with us at biovish

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Biovish has a commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that extends well beyond regulation. This commitment to sustainability, compliance and social responsibility is ongoing and represents the very core of what we stand for. We have seen how responsible action has a positive impact on the individuals in our company, the neighbors in our community, and people worldwide. CSR is the foundation that helps guide our actions with integrity as we move toward the future.

Our social commitment is about more than just being a good corporate citizen, however. It is imperative that we produce high-quality products. Biovish’s stakeholders include patients and their families, custo...

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